The assembling procedure is simple and we provide you the necessary information for the installation. It is possible for one person to assemble it, the presence of 2 people for the assembly is the best possible solution.
We also offer installation services if it is asked.
If you choose to install it by yourselves, you will have to provide us with a photograph after completion, in order to activate your warranty.
Due to the fact that the pontoon is modular – the modular pontoon moves with the waves providing comparatively high strength and tolerance advantages in weather conditions, unlike composite structures such as aluminum, iron and wood. The pontoons made of wood, iron and aluminum are suggested for installing in areas with mild waving such as ports and lakes.
They will not rot or rust over time. The product has a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. The product is made of polyethylene plastic which also reduces the cost of maintenance and repair. Installing it yourself reduces the cost even more. Due to its low weight, this pontoon is very easy to be transferred in comparison with pontoons made of wood, aluminum and floats. The buying cost of the pontoon varies at 230 € per square meter compared to 350 € and more for other type structures.
Floating platform HYDROFLOAT compared with other rigid structures
Disadvantages other structures of floating platforms in relation to the transfer, assembly and installation
The modular system of cubes, allows the pontoon to move easily with the waves, instead of resisting them. It is recommended to install the pontoon in an area where the waves are smaller than 0.8 m. In several cases, the system is recorded to withstand extreme weather conditions. If you want to install the pontoons in areas with waves larger than 0.8 m., please contact us to see how the warranty applies in such cases and conditions.
Project in Chios
Advantages of HYDROFLOAT platform with modular structure
In the majority of cases a licence will be needed.
In general, their installation is allowed up to 150 sq.m. by private individuals or professionals. It can’t be used or installed by restaurants or leisure centers.
The licencing application must be submitted in the local port authorities. An installation study by a Naval Architect with indicative cost of 800 € depending the size of the installation is required.